44-604 Top Mounting Liquid Level Switches
6. Dress wiring to ensure no interference or contact with
the switch actuation arm, or replacement of switch
housing cover.
NOTE: Observe all applicable electrical codes and proper wiring
Prevent moisture seepage into the enclosure by installing
approved seal-drain fittings in the conduit run leading into
the unit.
In hazardous areas, do not power the unit until the
conduit is sealed and the enclosure cover is screwed
down securely.
7. Replace housing cover.
8. If control has been furnished with an explosion proof or
moisture proof switch housing, it must be sealed at the
conduit outlet with a suitable compound or non-harden-
ing sealant to prevent entrance of air.
9. Test switch action by varying liquid level in the tank or
vessel. The upper switch on Model T21 units is actuated
by movement of the lower float, while the lower switch is
actuated by the upper float.
NOTE: If switch mechanism fails to function properly, check vertical
alignment of control housing and consult installation bulletin
on switch mechanism furnished.
10. Check cover to base fit to be certain gasketed joint is tight.
A positive seal is necessary to prevent infiltration of mois-
ture laden air or corrosive gasses into switch housing.