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memory device. After completion the message <Memory device successfully formatted> will be
displayed. Install license
On the external memory card has to be a directory
where only one license file has to be
If the external memory is inserted, you can navigate to the point “Install license”. Press the
knob. Now a verification message will be displayed. By pressing the
[OFF / Esc]
you abort the process or continue by pressing the
knob. If you start the function, the
message <install license> will be displayed. If the installation was successful, the message
<Successful install of license file> will be displayed. Otherwise the message <install failed of li-
cense file> is shown. Create bug report
By pressing the
knob the logger begins to create the bug report. In the display appears
the progress of the creation process. After the creation process is finished the message <Creat-
ing Bugreport done> will be displayed for a short time. The bug report will be stored on the ex-
ternal memory device as a zip file in the format „Bugreport_bP2_All_*IP address of the
logger*_*creation time*“. The time is recorded in the time standard UTC like this:
yyyymmdd_hhmmss. Firmware update
On the external memory device a folder with the name update has to be created, in which the
update file has to be stored.
There are two ways to update the firmware of the logger with a removable device.
1) Over the device menu
a) In the System Client under General / External Storage: set [Firmwareupdate via Remov-
able Media (CF/SD/USB):] to [Selection by user via device menu]
b) After pressing the [menu] knob a verification message will be displayed. With the [OFF /
ESC] button the process can be aborted. With the [menu] knob the BLUEPIRAT2 begins
to update his firmware. The message <Updating firmware please wait..> will be dis-
played for a short time. The update progress appears on the display. If the update is
completed <success: Firmware updated> is shown on the display. A restart will be initi-
ated after the update process.
2) Automatically when plugged in or on startup
a) In the System Client under General / External Storage: Set [Firmwareupdate via Remov-
able Media (CF/SD/USB):] to [Automatic detection on startup / plugin].
b) After inserting the removable device or after logger startup with plugged removable de-
vice the firmware will be updated automatically and a restart will be initiated.
Please note, that after you updated the firmware you should also update the client.
Please refer to chapter 7.1
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