Open lever (2) of the suction cup and press suction cup fi rmly against windscreen. Once in
position, push down lever (2) completely. The suction cup should now be securely fastened
to the windscreen. To release the suction cup from the windscreen pull again at tab (3) of the
suction cup.
To adjust Car Black Box, slightly release bolts (5) from both pivot joints (4) of the holder and
adjust position of Car Black Box as required. Tighten bolts again.
The lens of the Car Black Box can also be rotated by 180°.
4.4. Charging the battery
To charge the battery either connect the Car Black Box to the computer using the USB cable or
plug the USB car adapter to the cigarette lighter socket located in your car.
Whilst charging, the red control LED will be lit on the Car Black Box. From full dis-charge the
battery is charged within approx. 2-3 hours.
• Caution: Always ensure that the Car Black Box is attached to the windscreen in such
a way that the view of the driver is not impaired!
• The windscreen must be clean and free from grease to provide a secure hold.
• Videos and pictures can be taken during charging.