Ultra Electronics Card Systems
Quick Start Guide
Page 19
The default settings are for complete
coverage to the card margins. For
MAGICARD 300 it is 0,36,947,631 and for
MAGICARD 300 plus and Turbo it is
0,0,985,641. The four numbers are the X
and Y coordinates of the bottom left and
top right corners of each area.
Page 1 - Overcoat Areas/Windows
check box
can be used to provide a pre-
selected wide or narrow overcoat window
for magnetic stripe and smart cards with a
Page 2 Overcoat -
settings apply only to
Magicard Flip models.
Card Settings
High Quality Resin –
This option when
selected will improve the quality of the
printing of barcodes by reducing vertical
distortion. This setting can be used in
conjunction with the “Resin Power” setting
to optimise the printing of barcodes and
images using the K panel of the dye film.
High Quality Colour
– This option when
selected may improve the image
resolution when printing high quality
graphical image files. This setting can be
used in conjunction with the “YMC Power/
Density” settings to optimise the printing
of the YMC color panels.
Duplex Mode
When checked, will
convert the driver to allow automated
double-sided printing. this function only
applies to Magicard Flip models so leave
this checkbox switched off.
Manual Flip Mode
Allows operators,
running non-Flip models, to manually turn
the printed card over and reinsert for
printing on the back.
Print on Back Only
- For Magicard Flip
models only, leave unchecked.
Hand Fed Mode
- If this switch is checked
then the printer will not feed a card from
the hopper but will allow the operator to
insert a card from the front. If the card is
not inserted when prompted within 20
seconds then the printer will return to
Auto Card Feed
When checked will
automatically feed a new card from the
card hopper to the start of print position
on completion of a printed card.
Laminate Back Side
is for Flip
models only. This box when checked will
instruct the Flip Printer to eject the card
with the original underside facing up.
Encode Only - No Print
- For magnetic
encoding models only . Checking this box
will prevent any printing on the card, but
will encode on the magnetic stripe only.
Magnetic Verification
- For magnetic
encoding models only. With this box
checked the magnetic code will be
validated before printing. For interfacing
to earlier models, leave unchecked to
prevent file errors.
Magnetic Position
- For magnetic
encoding models only. This adjustment
allows the operator to reposition the
magnetic stripe to accomodate various
swipe readers. A 1% shift is
approximately 0.1mm. Scrolling to the L
(left) will move the position of the start of
the magnetic data ( Start Sentinel ) closer
to the edge of the card. For interfacing to
earlier models, leave set at the default
value of 50, to prevent file errors.
Y Position
- This adjustment allows the
operator to centralise the image which
may be offset due to the printhead