4. Grilled lamb chops:
• Lamb chops: 500 g | • Cooking oil: 2 tablespoons
• Chili powder: 1 spoon | • Pepper: 1 spoon
• Barbecue sauce: 100mg
• Set the temperature to 200 ° C and set the time to 3 minutes before to
warm up the machine.
• Mix the mixture well.
• Marinate lamb chops with mixture for 20 minutes.
• Add marinated lamb chops and set the cooking time to 10-15 minutes.
• After 10-15 minutes, pull open the heart of the fryer to turn the sides of
the lamb and set the time for 10 -15 minutes with the temperature of 180
degrees C. Waiting for the golden brown food is all possible.
5. Grilled lamb:
• Lamb: 500 g | • Onions: 2 bulbs
• Eggs: 1 fruit | • Oil: 2 tablespoons
• Grilled sauce: 100mg
• Set the temperature to 200 ° C and set the time to 3 minutes
before to warm up the machine.
• Mix the mixture well.
• Marinate lamb with mixture for 20 minutes.
• Put the food mixture in the fryer and set the time for 15-18
minutes. Wait until the golden foods are ready to use.
7. Fried dumplings
• Dumplings: 10 pcs
• Olive oil: 2 teaspoons
• Set the temperature to 180 and set the timer to 5 minutes
for pre-drying.
• Put the cake in the frying basket evenly.
• Apply a thin layer of olive oil to the cake, push the frying
basket into the pan; and set the time for 12-15 minutes or until
the cake is evenly golden.
6. Grilled corn:
• Fresh corn: 2 fruits
• Olive oil: 2 teaspoons
• Set the temperature to 180 degrees C and set the time 5 minutes
to warm up the machine.
• Sprinkle olive oil on corn, put corn in fryer, set time 18-22 minutes
until corn is golden, all can be used.
d o d u n g g i a d i n h . v n
d o d u n g g i a d i n h . v n