RTC Alarm Resume
When Enabled, you can set the data and time at the
which the RTC (Real Time Clock) alarm awakens the
system from suspend mode.
The choice: Disabled (default), Enabled.
Date (of Month)
Set a certain date when RTC Alarm Resume option
is Enabled to awaken the system. THis option is con-
current with Resume TIme option.
Resume Time (hh:mm:
Set a certain time when RTC Alarm Resume option is
Enabled to awaken the system. THis option is con-
current with Date option.
Modem Ring Resume
An input signal on the serial Ring Indicator (RI) Line
(in other words, an incoming call on the modem) Awak-
ens the system from a soft off state.
Wake Up On LAN/Ring
An input signal on the serial Ring Indicator (RI) line
(in other words, an incoming call on the modem) awak-
ens the system from a soft off state.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.