Enhancement Instructions
On/Off Protection
This feature was added to assist those who accidentally turn their receiver on or off
while it is being carried in their pocket, backpack or other container. The following
shows the differences between normal on/off and protected on/off.
Turning the SporTrak Color On:
Normal: Press the Power key.
Protected: Press and hold the Power key until the first start-up screen is dis-
Turning the SporTrak Color Off:
Normal: Press the Power key. (Pressing the Escape key aborts the power off.)
Protected: Press the Power key. You have 5 seconds to press the Enter key. If
you do not press the Enter key, the SporTrak Color stays on, returning to the
last screen displayed.
Turning the Power Key Protection On or Off:
1) From any screen, press the Menu key and use the up or down arrows to
highlight “Setup”. Press the Enter key.
2) Use the up or down arrows to highlight “Power key” and press the Enter
3) Use the up or down arrows to highlight your power key choice, either “No
protection” or “On/Off protected”. Press the Enter key.
Keypad Light Timer
Normally, when you turn on your SporTrak Color, a light behind the keypad comes
on allowing you to see the keys in dark or low-light environments. If at any time,
no keys have been pressed for any 1-minute time frame, the keypad light will turn
off. To turn the keypad light back on, press any key. (Note that pressing any of the
keys with the keypad light off, does not perform the function, only turns the key-
pad light back on.)
Disabling the Keypad Light Timer
The Keypad Light Timer is on whenever the display backlight is on. Press and
hold the Power key down, once for each step, to step through the levels of
backlight intensity. When the backlight is off, so is the keypad light.