Corrections to the User Manual
Page 23 – “Changing the Data Fields” — The User Manual incorrectly states that
there are 13 different options to select from for the Map display. There are actually
17 different data field options (bearing, distance, speed, heading, VMG, CTS,
ETA, ETE, XTE, turn, elevation, time, date, COG, EPE, avg. speed, or max.
speed) you can select.
Page 71 – “Calibrating the Compass” — An additional step was omitted from the
instructions. After you rotate the receiver and it beeps as instructed in Step 5, you
need to turn the receiver over (face down) until it beeps again.
Page 78 – The second paragraph beginning with “Preparation”, disregard the first
sentence and the next sentence in parentheses, the SporTrak Color does not utilize
an SD Card. Data is uploaded directly into the unit’s memory.
Page 79 – The second paragraph should read as follows: Here is the region for this
example. Notice that when you move the cursor inside the rectangle, the memory
space that this region will occupy on your SporTrak Color is displayed.
Additional Information
SporTrak Color Support – This will provide SporTrak Color owners living in Eu-
rope the information they need to contact Thales Navigation for support of their
Magellan receiver.
Attaching the Wrist Strap