V2.0 – Jan-13
User’s Manual
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3.3 Serial Port Settings
In UART operation (defined by the external pull-up resistor as outlined in Minimum
Configuration) the default settings are:
NMEA, 4800 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control
3.4 Improved TTFF
In order to improve the TTFF (Time To First Fix), it is recommended to keep Vcc
supplied at all times. This will allow taking advantage of sophisticated low power
mode features of the SiRFstarIV chip set. More details can be found in chapter
“Application Notes”.
3.5 Firmware Updates
(Flash-based module only)
Firmware upgrade function is only valid for Flash-based module. If later firmware
changes are considered in a design it is necessary to connect the BOOTSEL pin of
the A2100. BOOTSEL pin is used to control the mode of operation mentioned on
table below:
BOOTSEL Operating
Leave open
Normal operation
Pull up to 1.8V
Boot loader active for firmware upgrade
Table 4: BOOTSEL operating mode
A specific tool (SiRFFlash) is required for firmware upgrade upon request to Maestro.
Recommended circuitry on application board was indicated below.
Figure 7: BOOTSEL application