Installation & User Manual
Rev 0.3
Also avoid routing the cable near compasses or other sensitive
instruments to avoid interference from the NTWB1.
2.2.2 Electrical Colour Code
The colour coding of the 4 cores of the NTWB1 cable is as follows:
NMEA data OUT (to Listeners)
NMEA data IN (from Talker)
2.2.3 Electrical Connections
C12V to the red wire and 0V (negative) to the black wire. If you
inadvertently reverse the polarity no damage will be done to the NTWB1.
Simply reconnect with the correct polarity.
The White wire carries data to the NTWB1 from a NMEA talker. The Yellow
wire carries NMEA data from the NTWB1 to NMEA listeners.
The NMEA connections are single-ended where the 'other side' is
connected to 0V. This means where two wires (A/+ & B/-) are provided on
your NMEA equipment for NMEA In only one wire (the A/+ wire) need be
connected. This applies for the NMEA Out wires also.
Refer to the specific instructions for the particular NMEA equipment you
plan to connect for signal wire colours as the wire colours are not
standardised between manufacturers.
The B/- wires may need to be connected to 0V (negative) if the
single wire connection does not work. Refer to manufacturers instructions
to check if this can be done without damaging the equipment.