MadgeTech TSR101 Series Product Information Card Download Page 2

Product Notes

How it Works

Once the logger is started samples are taken on each axis (X, Y and Z) every 1024Hz  
(1 ms). These samples are compared with the trigger values and if it crosses the threshold 
value then it records the timestamp and starts logging the triggered data. 
If the samples are not above the threshold value then it is logged as the pre-trigger data. 
Since only 50 pre-trigger values can be recorded the data gets overwritten if the logger is 
not triggered within 50 pre-trigger values. 

The sampling frequency is the same for all reading rates therefore the samples are skipped 
based on the reading rate. For example: if the reading rate is 512Hz the samples are taken 
every 1ms but every other sample gets logged instead of logging every sample.

Trigger Settings

Below is a table of default trigger values based on the range of the logger. All axis are 
enabled to check for triggers at these g levels.


To edit trigger values, select 

Start Device

 from the 

Start Menu

. Click 


, then select 

Trigger Settings

. Click the 


 button. Each axis can be set to trigger at a certain g 

force level. Check the 

Enable Trigger 

box to enable the trigger for that axis. The values 

can be typed in manually or configured by using the slider control. Click 


to save the 


To initiate the TSR101 to constantly sample, set the high and low trigger settings to 0 g.

Axis Orientation

When the TSR101 is laying flat, with the label facing 
up, the x-axis indicates left to right direction and will 
read ~0 g when still. The y-axis reads in a top to bottom 
direction and reads ~0 g when still. The z-axis reads 
perpendicular to the other two axis, and will read ~1 g 
when still. 

Installation Guide

Installing the Interface cable

- IFC200
  Insert the device into a USB port. The drivers will install automatically.

Installing the software

Insert the Software USB Stick in an open USB port. If the autorun does not appear, locate 
the drive on the computer and double click on 


. Follow the instructions 

provided in the Wizard.


Product Information Card

Device Operation

Connecting and Starting the data logger

- Once the software is installed and running, plug the interface cable into the data logger.
- Connect the USB end of the interface cable into an open USB port on the computer. 
- The device will appear in the Connected Devices list, highlight the desired data logger.  
- For most applications, select “

Custom Start

” from the menu bar and choose the desired 

start method, reading rate and other parameters appropriate for the data logging 
application and click “


”. (

Quick Start

” applies the most recent custom start options, 

Batch Start

” is used for managing multiple loggers at once, “

Real Time Start

” stores the 

dataset as it records while connected to the logger.


- The status of the device will change to “


”, “

Waiting to Start

” or “

Waiting to 

Manual Start

”, depending upon your start method. 

- Disconnect the data logger from the interface cable and place it in the environment to 


Note: The device will stop recording data when the end of memory is reached or the device is stopped. At this point the device 
cannot be restarted until it has been re-armed by the computer. 





from a





- Highlight the data logger in the Connected Devices list. Click “


” on the menu bar.

- Once the data logger is stopped, with the logger highlighted, click “


”. You will 

be prompted to name your report.

- Downloading will offload and save all the recorded data to the PC. 

Device Maintenance

Battery Replacement


3/32” HEX Driver (Allen Key)
Replacement Battery (U9VL-J)

- Remove the cover from the device by unscrewing the four screws.
- Remove the battery from its compartment and unsnap it from the connector.
- Snap the new battery into the terminals and verify it is secure.
- Replace the cover taking care not to pinch the wires. Screw the enclosure back together 


Note: Be sure not to over tighten the screws or strip the threads.


The TSR101 standard calibration is performed at 0 g for the X-axis, 0 g for the Y-axis and  
1 g for the Z-axis.


Recalibration with Certificate (not NIST traceable)  $76.00



Prices and specifications subject to change. See MadgeTech’s terms and conditions at
To send the devices back, visit, select Services then RMA Process.



5 g

50 g

100 g

250 g

Trigger Value

2.5 g

25 g

52.5 g

120 g



