Macronix MCX-608
User Guide
9.2 Unhold
When you are ready to talk to the on-hold party again, press Unhold,
reopening their line.
9.3 New Call
The New Call option allows you to place a new call. You can also make a
new call by entering digits in the connect screen and pressing Send.
9.4 End Call
The End Call option causes the current (or selected) call to end.
9.5 Swap
The Swap option swaps the two connections when your phone is
connected to two different phones. For example, if you have person A on
hold and are speaking to person B, choosing Swap puts B on hold and
reconnects you through to A.
9.6 End Connected
End Connected allows you to end the call that is connected currently,
and connect to the previously held party.
9.7 End All Calls
Disconnects all current phone connections with other parties.
9.8 Join Calls
Allows you to join two current calls you are on into one conference call.
9.9 Hold Party
This allows you to place all parties on a conference call on hold, for
example while you answer a different call.
9.10 Unhold Party
This allows you to rejoin a conference call that you had put on hold.
9.11 Release Party
Release Party
by entering the Call number associated with the party and
only that party will be released from the conference call.
9.12 Extract Party
Extract Party allows you to enter the Call number associated with the
party, and make it so that only that party and you are isolated from the
conference call, having your own private conversation.