Macon Insert Changer Tool (ICT)
Tunstall Corporation
118 Exchange Street • Chicopee, MA 01013
© July 2015
We reserve the right to alter designs, specifications and information without notice.
Phone (413) 594-8695 · Fax (413) 598-8109
www.tunstall-inc.com • www.maconcontrols.com
1. Using a 15/16” or 23 mm wrench,
loosen the insert in the valve body by
turning counterclockwise to break the
metal to metal seal. Do not turn the in-
sert out. Turn it back clockwise, tighten
it lightly, if needed to prevent any objec-
tionable leakage.
2. Place the socket of the insert changer
onto the valve insert. Press in the stem
handle of the tool to ensure a firm en-
3. While continuing to press in on the
stem handle, engage the thread of the
union tailpiece of the changer with the
thread on the neck of the valve. Turn the
changer onto the valve neck until it is
firmly in place and sealed.
4. Check that the drain cock is closed
and that the bonnet of the outer chamber
of the changer is assembled securely.
Turn the changer handle counterclock-
wise at least 3 full turns to ensure that
the insert is free. Pull out on the changer
handle to clear the ball valve.
5. Close the ball valve by turning its
handle so that it is across the axis of the
6. Open the drain cock to relieve water
or steam pressure in the chamber.
Suitable for all
NT - T23000 Inserts
7. Holding the changer so that is does
not turn, turn the bonnet out of the
8. Remove the insert and replace it.
The Macon Insert Changer allows removing an insert without shutting down a hot water or low pressure steam
heating system. Follow the easy steps under the photographs. Reverse the procedure when re-installing the insert.