Mount the (2) gamma matches
to the horizontal and vertical driven elements,
using the gamma straps
and attaching hardware as shown. Attach your 52 ohm
cables to the connectors (S42) and dress along boom and down the mast.
Refer to Figure 3. The dimensions given are approximate and should be used as a
starting point. The following instruction covers the adjustment of one gamma match. To adjust the
second gamma match simply repeat this procedure. The gamma match has (2) adjustments. First is the
capacitor adjust and second is the slider adjust. First connect a S.W.R. bridge to the coax. between your
transmitter and the antenna and check the S.W.R. If adjustment is required first loosen the clamp on the
gamma match and the screws holding the slider (Gamma straps
Next move the capacitor
adjustment first one direction then the other until a minimum S.W.R. reading is obtained. If S.W.R. is
not yet satisfactory, first move the slider out 2” away from the boom. the reading has gone up move
the slider back to the original position and the 2” towards the boom. Now readjust the capacitor for
minimum S. W.R. You should now be able to determine which direction to move the slider. Repeat the
above procedure moving the slider in smaller increments until a satisfactory S.W.R. reading is obtained.
Tighten all hardware. Disconnect the S.W.R. bridge reconnect your coax. cable.
Upon completion of assembly place the Red Plastic Cap
on the Driven
Element end of the boom and the Black Plastic Cap on the Reflector end of the boom. This will allow
you to determine at a glance the direction of transmit receive.