1.8 Cleaning and disinfection
Ultimately, cleaning procedures, including cleaning frequency, depend on the
working environment and so this should be clarified based on organisational
risk assessments. However, general advice can be offered. For thorough
disinfection, it is advised to clean the respirator with one of the following
Antibacterial soap and warm water (~ 40°C).
10% bleach solution with water.
60% or over isopropanol alcohol (IPA) products.
Hypochlorous acid products.
Hydrogen peroxide solutions.
Vaporised hydrogen peroxide (VHP).
Equivalents to the above.
It does not matter how such cleaning solutions are administered. Once
cleaned for at least five minutes with one of the above, rinse the mask with
plenty of clean water and leave to dry. Ensure filters are removed from the
mask prior to carrying out this process to prevent water entering the filter
casings. Ensure products are dry before use or storage.
At the very least,
the respirator should be cleaned at the end of each working shift to bene-
fit personal hygiene, health and product longevity.
1.9 Storage
There may be particular required storage procedures depending on your
working environment. This should be confirmed with your organisational
Respiratory Health and Safety Officer.
Corpro recommends the mask be stored in a cool, dry and sterile / uncon-
taminated place, out of direct sunlight. Corpro can offer rigid, reusable stor-
age containers if this is preferable, but if not, somewhere safe and clean such
as a disinfected personal locker will be sufficient. Product to be transported
within suitable packaging to provide protection.
The respirator should always be cleaned before storage, regardless of
how long the respirator may remain unused. No other special transport
requirements other than the standard storage recommendations previous-
ly stated.
1.10 Maintenance
It is recommended that the product is fully serviceable for five years after
the date of manufacture
. Manufactured date is on both the outer box and
internal to the front cover on the mask itself. After this time, it would be
advisable to purchase a new mask.
Shelf life may be reduced if damaged
or not adequately maintained. Replace the mask immediately if damaged
or showing visible signs of wear.
It is important to maintain respiratory protective equipment to ensure that
it remains in good working order for wearer safety.
Respiratory protective
equipment should be maintained at least once every three months (ideally
every month if possible).
Maintenance tasks include ensuring:
Equipment is generally free from cracks and dirt.
Seals are fully intact.
All components are in good condition, clean and free from breakages.
The mask itself and the accompanying filters are within their expiration
Should any of your components on your mask need replacing, Corpro has a
full range of spares which can be purchased separately to the mask, along
with instructions on how to change more commonly purchased components.
Contact us for more information.
If you wear your respirator often, or if you work within an environment with
high concentrations of hazardous substances, maintenance may be required
on a more frequent basis. This should be discussed with your organisational
Respiratory Health and Safety personnel.
As part of your maintenance, it is advisable to fill in a Maintenance Log. This
helps to keep track of maintenance checks which have been performed and
helps to identify when it would be beneficial to act upon certain tasks
1.11 Maintenance intervals
* Either every 3, 6 or 12 months depending on wear frequency and working
environment. Organisational risk assessment required to establish.
Depending on your working environment, risks and wear frequency, certain
maintenance tasks may be required more frequently. This needs to be estab-
lished by an organisational risk assessment.
If components have been replaced (e.g., valves), a fit check and a general
user check must be carried out in advance of mask’s next use.
WARNING: All aforementioned tasks should be performed if a mask has
been in storage for a long period, and at least once a year.
1.12 Disposal
To establish the safest disposal method for the device, this will require a risk
assessment by your organisation. However, Corpro can provide the following
information and recommendations:
All parts of the mask, other than the elastic strap, are recyclable as the
mask’s materials include thermoplastic elastomers (TPE), acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene (ABS) or polycarbonate/acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (PC/ABS) plastic, and silicone (valves only).
Depending on your working environment, you may not be able to
recycle the materials as the mask may be classed as hazardous waste.
This would need to be checked and, if classed as hazardous waste,
the appropriate disposal method should be outlined and followed.
If the mask is not classed as hazardous waste, the product should be
disposed of or recycled as applicable in a con-trolled waste area at the
occupational site/an agreed third-party site.
Ensure the mask is disposed of separately to the filters.
1.13 Warranty
In order to assert your rights under this warranty, please return the product
to your vendor, together with a written description of the alleged defect and
proof of purchase. Your distributor will forward the product to Corpro for
analysis of the validity of your claim.
1.14 Liability
Corpro or its agents accept no liability where the product has been used
inappropriately or not as intended.
Product liability claims warranties also as guarantees made by Corpro with
respect to the product are void if it is not used as intended, services and
maintained in accordance with instructions in this manual.
This also applies especially to unauthorised alterations/modification to the
product and to commissioning work that has not been carried out by Corpro
or its agents.
Supplier warrants to each purchaser of a product who is an end-user of
such Product that the product is free from defects in material and work-
manship, ordinary wear and tear expected, for one year from the date of
purchase by such end-user.
Further, supplier warrants that the product conforms to the standards as
detailed at the start of these user instructions in effect on that date of sale
and complies with the Consumer Rights Act 2015 or with any relevant laws
or regulations of other jurisdictions.
Should any end-user find the product to be of an unsatisfactory quality,
unfit for purpose or not as described, they will be entitled to a full refund of
such product, subject to a complaint being made within 30 days from the
product being purchased. The Supplier shall have one opportunity to repair
or replace any products which are of unsatisfactory quality, unfit for purpose
or not as described. If the attempt at a replacement or repair is unsuccess-
ful, an end-user can claim a refund or a price reduction if they wish to keep
the product.
General User Checks
Fit Test
x (first use)
Fit Check
Cleaning / Disinfect
Valve Replacement