To define a synchronization source:
1. Open UltraMix by double-clicking its icon.
2. Choose Preferences from the File menu.
3. Click on the clock icon (Sync) on the left side of the window.
4. Choose the synchronization source that you want to use
from the Timing Source dropdown menu.
The menu shows each device in your OMS/FMS studio setup
that can act as a synchronization source.
5. Make sure that Send Machine Control is selected.
If you do NOT want the UltraMix and UltraPilot transport
controls to affect the controls on your tape deck or other
external synchronization source, you can turn this option off
by clearing the Send Machine Control checkbox.
6. Close the Preferences window.
7. If you want UltraMix to remember this synchronization
setting, choose Save As Default from the File menu.