Service for the FUSSION 3000 is avail-
able only from one of our authorized
domestic service stations or at the factory
service center, located in Whitinsville,
Massachusetts. Service outside the United
States can be obtained through local dealers
or distributors.
If your FUSSION 3000 needs service,
please follow these instructions:
1. Review the preceding troubleshooting
suggestions. Please.
2. Call Tech Support at 1-800-258-6883,
7am to 5pm PST, to explain the problem
in detail. They will ask you all sorts of
impertinent questions in the hope of
sorting out the problem. If it appears
that the FUSSION 3000 needs repair,
request an RA (Return Authorization)
number. Have your loudspeaker’s serial
number ready. You must have an RA
number before you can obtain service at
the factory or an authorized service
3. Keep this owner’s manual. We don’t
need it to repair the loudspeaker.
4. Pack the loudspeaker in its original
packaging, including protective wrap,
endcaps, box, and pallet. This is very
important. When you call for the RA
number, please let Tech Support know
if you need new packaging.
Mackie is
not responsible for any damage that
occurs due to non-factory packaging.
5. Include a legible note stating your name,
shipping address (no P.O. boxes),
daytime phone number, RA number,
and a detailed description of the prob-
lem, including how we can duplicate it.
6. Write the RA number in
on top of the box.
7. Ship the loudspeaker to us via ground
freight. We suggest insurance for all
forms of cartage. Ship to this address:
Mackie Designs
One Main Street
Whitinsville, MA 01588
8. We’ll try to fix the loudspeaker within
three business days. Ask Tech Support
for the latest turnaround times when
you call for your RA number.
Your Mackie loudspeakers will provide
many years of reliable service if you follow
these guidelines:
Avoid exposing the
active loudspeakers to
moisture. If they are set
up outdoors, be sure they
are under cover if you
expect rain.
• Avoid exposure to extreme cold (below
freezing temperatures). If you must
operate the active loudspeakers in a cold
environment, warm up the voice coils
slowly by sending a low-level signal
through them for about 15 minutes
prior to high-power operation.
• Use a slighty damp cloth with a mild
soap solution to clean the cabinets. Only
do this when the power is turned off.
Avoid getting moisture into any of the
openings of the cabinet, particularly
where the drivers are located.