Fussion Series
Active, High-Output Subwoofer
FUSSION 1800SA/1800S
Mackie’s FUSSION 1800SA/1800S is a high-output,
active subwoofer system featuring high-precision 18-inch
transducers combined with application-specifi c amplifi er
technology. The system is composed of two subwoofer cabi-
nets: the 1800SA, which contains a single 18-inch woofer
and the active electronics, and the 1800S, a single 18-inch
woofer cabinet that functions as a slave.
Transducers used in the FUSSION 1800SA/1800S system
feature 4-inch, Inside/Outside-wound voice coils that offer
extreme power-handling capabilities. The cone assembly is
reinforced with long-strand carbon fi ber, which is impreg-
nated into the cone. Extensive materials science research
and development has led to signifi cant advancements in
adhesives, voice coil former materials, surround and spider
technologies. FUSSION 1800SA/1800S transducers were
specifi cally designed for use in this type of enclosure design.
The magnetic assemblies used incorporate advancements
in coil venting and structural cooling that provide lower tem-
perature rise and substantially improved power compression
The Fussion 1800 system amplifi er module, located in
the 1800SA cabinet, is an excellent example of the effi ciency
that is possible with active designs. This module uses two
high-effi ciency, high-current, CLASS G topology amplifi ers
running in bridged mode to produce 2500 watts of power.
Instead of an onboard control system, the system relies on
external processing supplied by any FUSSION full range or
mid-high speaker system or by a stand-alone processor.
FUSSION 1800SA/1800S subwoofer system frequency
response is linear between 38Hz and 150Hz. When used
with any FUSSION full range or mid-high speaker system, the
onboard processor provides complete system management
of all electronic and acoustic functions including electronic
active crossover, electronic phase alignment, electronic time
correction, electronic equalization and complete amplifi er
and component protection.
To ensure long-term reliability and performance, the
amplifi er cards and processor are mounted to a huge heat
sink eliminating the need for fans, dramatically extending
life expectancy and eliminating maintenance cycles. An eas-
ily-accessible rear input and control panel offers substantial
signal-routing fl exibility. Line-level signal connections are
via XLR connectors. There is a main speaker-level output on
the 1800SA rear panel, which provides signal to the passive
1800S cabinet via an EP-type connector. The system features
Active, high-output dual 18” subwoofer system
2500W high-effi ciency, high-current amplifi er
High output, 139dB peak
Two 18” high-precision transducers
4” high-temperature, inside/outside voice coils
18mm birch plywood construction
Fully integrates with onboard acoustic management
control system found in all Fussion full-range or
mid-high speaker systems
Individual 18” cabinets facilitate transport and set-up
soft-start circuitry that eliminates pops and precisely controls
AC inrush current surges.
Fussion 1800S and 1800SA cabinets are constructed
using 18mm thick multi-layered birch plywood and fi nished
in black splatter paint. There are two handles on each side
for effi cient loading and transport.
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FUSSION 1800SA/1800S