Additionally, the mixer shall accommodate
the RotoPod Bracket Set which shall allow
the Input/Output Pod to be rotated in such a
way the input/outputs are on the same plane
with the Main Mixing Board controls.
The mixer’s dimensions shall be 16.1" tall
by 17.34" wide (including screw heads) by
4.1" deep with the Input/Output Pod rotated
to top, or 15.8" tall by 17.34" wide by 4.8" deep
with the Input/Output Pod rotated to back.
The rack rails shall be adjustable to allow
flush mounting which shall add an extra 0.7"
to respective depth measurements. The
weight in either case shall be 18 pounds.
The Input/Output Pod shall include a fe-
male BNC connector for 12V AC powering and
physical attachment of a gooseneck lamp,
LittleLite PN #12G or 12G-HI.
The mixer shall exactly accommodate the
XLR10 add-on mic preamplifier section via
mechanical and electronic connections.
6. Each mixer Input Section shall include
the following features: 4 AUX send controls
shall feed 7 separate outputs, a Monitor button
shall change AUX 1 to either pre (monitor) or
post effects; a Shift button shall change AUX 3
and 4 to AUX 5 and 6; 3 rotary equalization
controls (
15dB LO shelving at 80Hz,
MID peaking at 2.5kHz,
15dB HI shelving at
12kHz), L/R rotary Pan control, stereo in-place
Solo switch, Mute ALT-3/4 switch, overload
clipping LED, and dB-calibrated 45mm Chan-
nel Fader with center-detent unity gain
position. The Solo switch shall maintain stereo
perspective for all soloed channels and returns.
The Mute switch shall cause muted channels
to be unassigned from main left/right output
and reassigned to ALT Outputs 3 & 4.
7. The mixer Main Output Section shall
have 4 Stereo AUX Returns (consisting of 4
rotary Level controls, L/R Balance controls and
4 mono push switches), AUX Solo switch, ALT
Preview switch, Main Output Mute switch, Solo
to Main switch, Left/Right Master dB-cali-
brated 45mm Master Fader with center-detent
unity gain position,10-step LED meter (cali-
brated –20 to +8, plus CLIP), Power LED,
flashing Solo LED, Stereo Headphone/Solo
Output Jack and 45mm Solo/Headphone Level
Control. The ALT Preview switch shall allow
listening to all muted channels via head-
phones. The Headphone Solo Level Control
shall regulate the output level of signals ap-
pearing at the Headphone Output jack and
Solo as it appears at the Main Outputs.
The mixer shall be a Mackie Designs CR-1604.
(What the heck! You might run into an inquisitive,
musical architect or engineer some day…)
1. The mixing console shall have a 2-part
main frame which accommodates 10 Unbal-
anced and 6 Balanced Line Inputs, 6 Balanced
Microphone Inputs, 1 Balanced/Unbalanced
Main Left Output, 1 Balanced/Unbalanced
Main Right Output, 1 Balanced/Unbalanced
Main Mono Output, 1 Monitor Output, 6 AUX
Outputs, 2 ALT Outputs, 2 Bus Inserts, 4 Stereo
AUX Returns, 8 Channel Access Jacks and 1
Stereo Headphone Output. The main frame
shall be capable of mounting on a table or in a
standard 19-inch rack mount and shall be en-
tirely self-contained.
2. The main frame shall include two 10-LED
meters for monitoring Main L/R Outputs or
channel level during solo, one-each Overload
Clipping LED’s for each of 16 channels, Solo On
LED and Power LED.
3. The main frame shall include on its rear
panel electronically balanced mic inputs us-
ing female XLR-3-type connectors to accept
nominal levels of from –50dBu to +14dBu.
The main frame shall also have 16 line inputs
consisting of standard 1/4" phone jacks which
shall accept nominal levels of from –40dBu to
+22dBu on Channels 1 through 6 and –25dBu
to +22dBu on Channels 7 through 16. Each of
16 channels shall have a rotary Sensitivity
Control adjustable from +4dB to –40dB on
Channels 1 through 6 and +4dB to –25dB on
Channels 7 through 16. The main frame shall
have Stereo Bus Inserts, 4 Stereo Aux Returns
and 8 tip-out/ring-in Channel Access Inserts.
There shall be a phantom power supply with
separate switch to provide DC power to all
mic input connectors for remote powering of
condenser microphones.
4. The mixer outputs shall be 1/4" phone
jack; there shall be 1 Left and 1 Right Main
Outputs, 1 Mono Main Output, 1 Monitor
Output, 6 AUX Outputs, Alternate Outputs
on buses 3 and 4, and 1 Stereo Headphone
Output. Maximum Main Output level shall
be +28dBu balanced (+22dBu unbalanced);
all other Outputs shall be capable of +22dBu
maximum output level.
5. The main frame shall be grey-black, con-
sisting of two parts: a Main Mixing Board with
steel chassis, and an Input/Output Pod with
aluminum/steel chassis which shall be me-
chanically connected by metal screws and
electrically connected by ribbon cables. The
Pod shall be designed in such a way that it
may be attached in one of two ways: 1) With
input/outputs to the top of the mixing console
or 2) with input/outputs to the rack of the
mixing console.
Summary of Contents for CR-1604