Programmer’s Guide
C4 Commander
This tag defines a single parameter el-
ement which specifies all data needed to control
that function. If a mask attribute is present, the
specified mask will be applied to the parameter
message before it is sent to the instrument. If
a valuetext attribute is present, the appropri-
ate substitution will be made to the parameter
value displayed in the C4 commander.
This calls out which mask is to
be used for this parameter. It is possible (but
not very efficient) to have a different parameter
mask for each parameter (see <Param> above).
The ID associated to the given func-
tion. It can be text or numerical. Normally this
should reflect the device manufacturer’s sysex
message parameter ID, so that if one is looking
up “parameter 34 – LFO” from the manufac-
turer’s spec, a simple search for PARAMID 34
would result in the display of this function for
Name of the given function,
e.g., Master volume. The FunctionName is
displayed as the default name in the C4 Com-
mander screen. Since the physical C4 is limited
to displaying only 7-8 characters, the C4 will au-
tomatically truncate this name to fit its display.
It is usually best to keep this parameter as de-
scriptive as possible and use the Layout rename
function to create good-looking onscreen text.
The HEX message that will be sent
to the C4 when a V-Pot action is triggered.
Minimum value for given
Maximum value for given
This tag defines the beginning
(and end) of the parameter table. All instru-
ment parameters must be contained withint
the begininning and ending ParamTable tags.
ParamTable contains a list of all parameters
(functions) that the C4 can control. The order
of the parameters determines the correspond-
ing default instrument layout order, so the first
parameter value is placed on the first C4 V-Pot
slot when dragging te entire instrument defini-
tion file onto the C4 Commander’s screen.