User’s Guide
C4 Commander
SINGLE Left and Right: These buttons scroll
individual parameters left and right. If there are
multiple pages in a layout, the adjacent page
scrolls across the banks. A vertical dotted line
indicates the division between pages.
BANK/PAGE Navigation Buttons
BANK UP/DOWN: Use these buttons to scroll
banks of parameters up and down. If there are
multiple pages in a layout, the adjacent page
scrolls up from the bottom or down from the
top. A horizontal dotted line indicates the divi-
sion between pages.
PAGE L/R: These buttons scroll through the
pages in a layout. The right button scrolls in as-
cending order (1, 2, 3, etc.) and the left button
scrolls in descending order (3, 2, 1).
Navigating the C4 Commander
The C4 has four rows of eight V-Pots, for a to-
tal of 32 controls. For many MIDI controlled
instruments, that is enough to handle all the
parameters for the C4 to control. But some
instruments have more than 32 parameters to
control. The Emu Planet Phatt, for example,
has 224 parameters to control. This would re-
quire seven C4's (224/32=7) to control all the
parameters required.
The beauty of a digital MIDI controller is that
you can assign any parameter to any V-Pot, and
change it on the fly. With the push of a button,
you can reassign all of the V-Pots to another
set of parameters. This is where the concept
of "pages" comes in. The obvious analogy to
changing pages in the C4 Commander is turning
the pages of a book. We can create seven pages
in the C4 Commander to control all 224 param-
eters on the Emu Planet Phatt. You simply push
the PAGE L and PAGE R buttons at the bottom
of the C4 to scroll among the pages and gain ac-
cess to the various controls.
In addition, you can use the BANK UP and
BANK DOWN buttons to scroll up and down,
bank by bank, as if the pages were aligned ver-
tically. A horizontal dotted line indicates the
division between the pages.
The SINGLE left and right buttons scroll the
parameters across the banks, one by one, as
if the pages were aligned horizontally, side by
side. A vertical dotted line indicates the division
between the pages.
You can also use the LAYOUT left and right
buttons to scroll between open layouts in the
Layout list. If you have two or more instruments
you want to control with the C4, this makes it
easy to quickly change the V-Pot assignments
to control different instruments.
But wait...there's more! What if you want to
have access to a few (or many) frequently-used
controls on two different instruments at the
same time? Use the SPLIT function to divide
the C4 so that some of the banks control one
instrument (Layout 1) and the other banks
controls another instrument (Layout 2). You
can still use the PAGE L/R, BANK UP/DOWN,
SINGLE L/R, and LAYOUT L/R buttons while in
split mode.
The best way to understand and get used to
these navigation controls is to just start using
them and see what happens on your own. So go
ahead and create a few sample layouts and start
experimenting with the navigation buttons.
You'll have it figured out in no time!