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this specification sheet
text version of Architects
and Engineering Specifications
for insertion into proposals
Effects to Monitor rotary controls, providing up to 15dB gain,
delivering summed Aux Return 1 or 2 signals to Aux Send 1 or
2, respectively; an Aux Return 3 Assign switch, used in conjunc-
tion with a 1–2/3–4 switch, delivering Aux Return 3 signals
to one output pair, including Main Mix, Submasters 1–2 and
Submasters 3–4; an Aux Return 4 to Control Room/Phones Only
switch; a global Aux Return Solo switch with associated LED; 2
rotary Aux Send Master controls for Aux Sends 1 and 2, provid-
ing up to 10dB above unity gain; a Solo switch with associated
LED for each of Aux Sends 1 and 2; a blinking master Solo
indicator LED, a Level Set LED indicating a PFL solo condition, a
Power indicator LED; and a Phantom Power indicator LED.
6. METERING. The mixer shall include 1 stereo 12-segment
LED meter with points at –30, –20, –10, –7, –4, –2, 0, +2,
+4, +7, +10, and 28dB (Clip). The source signals for the meters
shall be the same signals selected in the Source Matrix, and a
solo condition shall replace the Source selection with the soloed
channel(s). The meters shall be calibrated such that a 0dBu
signal at the Control Room output shall be indicated as 0dB on
the meters, ±1LED.
7. PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION. The mixer shall be made of
steel and aluminum, painted dark gray and black with light gray
graphics. The mixer shall weigh 18.2 lbs, (9.1 kg). Optional rack-
mount brackets shall allow the mixer to be mounted in a rack
system. Dimensions of the mixer shall be, in Desktop Mode,
5.45" (138mm) in height, 16.63" (442mm) in width and 17.9"
(455mm) in depth.
8. SPECIFICATIONS. In addition to specifications already
cited, the mixer shall meet or exceed the following specifica-
tions. Frequency response, microphone input to any output,
20Hz to 60kHz, +0dB/–1dB; Total Harmonic Distortion (THD),
1k@+14dBu, 0.0007%; Equivalent Input Noise (EIN), micro-
phone input to insert send, –129.5dBm; Common Mode Rejec-
tion (CMR), microphone input to insert send, maximum gain,
90dB; Typical Main Output noise, all channels assigned,
odd channels panned left, even channels panned right, Main
Mix fader down, channel faders down, –100dBu; Signal to
Noise ratio, ref +4dBu operating level, 90dB; Attenuation, ref.
0dB @ 1kHz, Channel Mute engaged, –84dBu, Channel Gain
control down, –84dBu; Input impedance, microphone inputs,
1.3 k
; Channel Insert return, 2.5 k
; All other inputs, greater
than 10 k
; Output impedance, Tape Out, 1.1 k
; All other
outputs, 120
The mixer shall be a Mackie Designs 1642-VLZ PRO.