s e c t i o n 3
M o u n t i n g
The M20.02, M20.03, and MS 3 fit in a standard 19 by 1.75 inch rack unit.
C o n n e c t o r s
The input and output are fully balanced, but can be operated in unbalanced mode without problems. The plugs are standard 3-
pin XLR connectors wired pin 1 = shield, pin 2 = (+), and pin 3 (-).
Vo l t a g e S w i t c h
The voltage switch is found on the back of the controller. Be sure to select the voltage that matches your AC supply before
connecting and operating the controller.
M a i n s C o n n e c t i o n
By using a standard IEC receptacle and mains cable, all of the international safety requirements are met.
S p e a k e r s e n s e c a b l e c o n n e c t i o n
Two types of wire sets are used. Type 1 wire sets single-color wires only. The colors are blue, green, black, white, brown, yel-
low, red, and orange. Type 2 wire sets have 4 single-color wires (brown, green, blue, and orange) and 4 two-color wires (white/
brown, white/blue, white/orange, and white/green). Connect the left and right channel speaker sense input cables as described
for your type of wire set. Note: The signal polarity each cable pair does not matter.
Ty p e 1 w i r e s e t s
The RED and ORANGE wires are not used.
Connect the BLUE and GREEN wires from the right channel sense input cable to the positive (+) and negative (-)
terminals of the amplifier’s right channel LOW FREQUENCY speaker output.
Connect the BLACK and WHITE wires from the right channel sense input cable to the positive (+) and negative (-)
terminals of the amplifier’s right channel MID FREQUENCY speaker output. (M20.03 and MS 3 only)
Connect the BROWN and YELLOW wires from the right channel sense input cable to the positive (+) and negative (-)
terminals of the amplifier’s right channel HIGH FREQUENCY speaker output.
Similarly, connect the wires from the left channel speaker sense input cable to the amplifier’s left channel outputs.
Ty p e 2 w i r e s e t s
The BLUE and ORANGE wires are not used.
Connect the WHITE/BROWN and WHITE/BLUE wires from the right channel sense input cable to the positive (+)
and negative (-) terminals of the amplifier’s right channel LOW FREQUENCY speaker output.
Connect the WHITE/ORANGE and WHITE/GREEN wires from the right channel sense input cable to the positive (+)
and negative (-) terminals of the amplifier’s right channel MID FREQUENCY speaker output. (M20.03 and MS 3 only)
Connect the BROWN and GREEN wires from the right channel sense input cable to the positive (+) and negative (-)
terminals of the amplifier’s right channel HIGH FREQUENCY speaker output.
Similarly, connect the wires from the left channel speaker sense input cable to the amplifier’s left channel outputs.
F u s e R e p l a c e m e n t
If the fuse blows, something is wrong. Be sure to fix the problem before replacing the fuse. Also be sure that the replacement
fuse is of the correct rating and type.
L i m i t e r S e t t i n g s
The limiter is set from DIP switches inside the cabinet. Before opening the cabinet, be sure that the main power cable is dis-
connected. The settings for Mach speakers are shown in section 5.