Video mode allows you to watch your favorite AVI video files. Please ensure that you convert your video files using the enclosed video
conversion software to load the necessary codecs on the file, even if your file is already in AVI video format. When you first enter video mode,
you will select either “Tag List” or “Dir List”. Tag list will take you to a list of bookmarks you set for your video files (see the video submenu
section). Dir List allows you to select which file you would like to play. Once you have selected a file, the file will begin playing automatically.
Briefly pressing the [NEXT] or [PREV] buttons will skip to the next or previous video. Pressing and holding these buttons will fast forward or
rewind the current video. While in the video mode, you can press the [MENU] button to enter the video submenu, which will pause the currently
playing file.
Video Submenu
Playback Mode
- Allows you to set the play mode. select either Sequence (plays each file once), Repeat one (plays a single file
over and over again), Repeat all (plays each file over and over), and Shuffle (mix up the order of your video files)
Add Bookmark
- Set the current point in your video file as a bookmark which will quickly allow you to access it in the “Tag List”
item on the video selection screen.
- Delete the current video file
- Displays the file name, resolution, and frame rate
Your player’s Voice recorder will allow you to make voice notes on the go, or record your song demo. When you enter the recorder mode,
select MIC recording and press [MENU]. In the recording screen, you will see your status at the top of the main screen stating standby
(awaiting a recording), Recording, paused, or saving. To begin recording briefly press the [PLAY] button to begin recording, and press it again
to pause the recording. To save your recording, pause the file and briefly press the [MENU] button. While in standby mode, you can press
[MENU] to enter the Recorder submenu.
Recorder Submenu
(pictured below)
Record Format
- allows you to save your voice recordings either in .WAV or .MP3 format
Record Quality
- Allows you to set your recording quality. Higher quality recordings will be larger files
Record Gain
- Allows you to set your record gain
Save Path
- Allows you to select where so save your voice recordings
E book