IFU - 024 Rev.A
A: Receiving Inspection
The customer is responsible for making sure the
loading dock at their facility can accommodate a
shipping carton approximately 70” inches (1.778 m)
long and 40” (1.016m) inches wide.
The customer must also provide transportation
equipment (forklift, etc.) for a carton weighing
approximately 400 lbs (181.4 kg).
1. Receiving area must meet all State and Local
regulations prior to unpacking.
2. Customer must inspect carton both before and
after unpacking to determine if any items were
damaged during shipping.
A. All damaged items must be listed on
the Bill of Lading.
B. The serial number and model number
shown on the carton label must match
the numbers on the Bill of Lading and
the Invoice.
3. Were Shock Indicators used on the carton?
The readings from shock indicators, if damage
to the carton exists, are to be recorded on the
Bill of Lading.
4. Customer is responsible for the proper disposal
of all packing materials. The disposal of these
items must meet all State and Local regulations.
Unpacking the Stretcher
Retain all shipping materials until stretcher is
completely unpacked and inspected for damage.
1. Remove metal bands holding the bottom and
top of the shipping carton together. See
Figure 2.
CAUTION: Eye protection must meet ANSI-Z87.1-
2010 guidelines and be worn during the
un-banding of the carton. The metal
bands, when cut, can cause severe
injuries to the eyes.
3. Remove metal staples holding the top and
bottom of the carton to its sides.
4. Remove the top of the carton.
4. Remove metal staples making the flaps
around the top edge of the carton.
5. Remove metal staples attaching the sides of
the carton to the bottom of the carton.
6. Remove the sides of the carton by lifting them
straight up from the bottom tray.
Preparations for using the PT1000 and PTF1000 Stretchers
Figure 1: Stretcher in Shipping Carton
Figure 2: Shipping Carton with Bands Removed
Figure 3: Removing Staples and Stiffeners