Premier PA B-Unit Operating Manual
Quick Start - Basic Operation
The MTH PA B Unit contains state-of-the art electronics with several
built-in automatic features for incredibly realistic operation. The PA B-Unit
is easy to operate with your existing MTH PA AA or ABA units using any
compatible standard AC transformer (see the compatibility chart on page 8).
The PA powered B-Unit is controlled by a DCRU® electronic reverse unit
which unit operates in the same manner that all reverse units function by
using forward, neutral and reverse states that are entered each time the throttle
is turned on and off or by using the transformer direction switch (if so
equipped). Simply plug the B-Unit wire harness into the existing sockets of
the PA AA or ABA set to allow Proto-Coupler® equipped engines and
directional lighting systems to function. Once connected, advance the
transformer throttle to cycle all AA and B units together from RESET to
Forward as explained in the DCRU section below.
Prime the operating smoke unit with smoke fluid before operating. Add
15-20 drops of smoke fluid through the smokestack (see Fig. 5 on pg. 8), then
gently blow into the stack to eliminate any air bubbles in the fluid.
If you choose not to prime the unit with fluid, turn the smoke unit switch
located under the engine to the OFF position (see Fig. 6 on pg. 8).
the engine without a primed smoke unit may cause damage.
See the
“ProtoSmoke Unit Operation” section of this book for more information on
smoke unit maintenance.
DCRU® Reverse Unit
As mentioned in the Basic Operating section, the engine is controlled by a
DCRU® reverse unit that contains the standard forward-neutral-reverse states
found on most reverse units. However, when power is first applied to the
track, the reverse unit begins in RESET or what seems like a neutral state.
Power must be interrupted again to
get the locomotive to enter the
forward state. The system will
enter RESET whenever power to
the track is off for three or more
seconds. NEUTRAL should be
referred to as the state between
Forward and Reverse.
Figure 1: DCRU™ Cycle Phases