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Use flathead screwdriver to adjust knobs for Time, Lux and Sensitivity. 



The switched-on time after activation can be adjusted from 10 seconds to 7 minutes. Rotate the TIME knob anti-clockwise to reduce the time. Note: 

once the light has been triggered by the PIR sensor, any subsequent detection will start the timed period from the beginning.


The Lux control module has a built-in sensing device (photocell) that detects daylight and darkness. The (sun) position denotes that the spotlight 

will work at day and night, and the (moon) position will only work at night. You can set the unit to operate at the desired level by adjusting the LUX 

knob from light (sun) to dark (moon).


1. Turn the Lux control knob to light (sun) position, turn the wall switch on and wait half a minute for the control circuit to stabilize. At this stage      

     ensure that the TIME control knob is set at minimum. The spotlights will now switch on and will remain switched on for about 30 seconds. 
2. Direct the sensor toward the desired area to be scanned by adjusting the elbow joint and the swivel joint on the sensor arm. Important: loosen all  

     lock nuts and screws on sensor and lamp holders before making any adjustments. 
3. Have another person move across the centre of the area to be scanned and slowly adjust the angle of the sensor arm until the unit senses the  

     presence of the moving person, causing the spotlights to switch on. 
4. Adjust time control to required setting. 
5. To set the light level at which the spotlights will automatically switch “on” at night, turn the LUX control knob from daylight (sun) to night-time  

     (moon). If the spotlights are required to switch on earlier, e.g. Dusk, wait for the desired light level, then slowly turn the LUX control knob towards  

     daylight (sun) while someone walks across the centre of the area to be detected. When the spotlight switches on, correct LUX level has been  

     established. You may need to make further adjustments to achieve your ideal light level setting.


The light can stay ON for 8h time periods by using the manual override function.
To activate manual override function, flick the switch off/on/off/on within 3 seconds. The light will stay on for 8 hours and then return to normal 

sensor operation.



Adjust horizontally or vertically - Do not rotate!


Vertically 145°


Horizontally 340°
