is an extremely low noise, professional
quality, 10 channel stereo line mixer. The 6 panable inputs
(1 through 6) enable you to place a sound source any-
where in the stereo field. 2 of the 6 inputs (1 and 2) can
have their gain set for either line level or microphone use.
4 more channels (7, 8, 9 and 10) are unity gain inputs for
which there are no volume or pan controls. These channels
have to be controlled “at the source,” so they are ideal for
use as returns or AV ins. MultiMixer 10 comes with an
external 9 volt, 300 milliamp ac power adaptor. This adap-
tor should be plugged into a standard wall socket and
then into the MultiMixer’s back power jack. When this is
done the MultiMixer power LED will light. MultiMixer
will not work unless power is plugged in.
Multimedia Mixing.
Many multimedia applications use
multiple sound sources. In a typical multimedia application
you might plug the MultiMixer in as follows: 1.) plug your
microphones into inputs 1 and 2 making sure that the gain
switches (on the side of the unit) are switched “up” to the
mic setting; 2.) connect the stereo output from your comput-
er soundcard to MultiMixer inputs 3 and 4; 3.) connect out-
puts from your MIDI tone module to inputs 5 and 6; and 4.)
connect the stereo audio output from a CD-ROM to unity
gain stereo input 9/10. Now, you can use the MultiMixer
pan pots to position the sounds of channels 1 through 6
wherever you want them.