LYNX Pro Audio S.L. -
Valencia, Spain -
www.lynxproaudio.com [email protected]
Select "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" and click on
Select: “Use next IP Address” And write as you
wish, in order to configure your network.
Normally, Ip values will be something like this:
IP Address: 192.168.1.xxx
Subnet Mask:
Where xxx will be a number between 1 and 254
Accept to quit the network settings and again to
apply them at the next screen. Depending on the
Windows Version, you will be asked to reboot or
Once the Computer is configured with a static IP
proceed to connect to the line array system through
the O.M.S. (online monitoring system) software.
Open the OCS software and from the Initial Screen
choose Ethernet device into the configuration menu.
It will open a different screen, as follows, there you can see your Network configuration, and the cabinets currently