Juno Series
User Manual
Lynx Pro Audio S.L
Simple troubleshooting does not require sophisticated measurement equipment and can
be easily understaken by users. The technique should be to segment the system in order
to identify the faulty system component. A simple sweep with a sine generator can be very
helpful though it MUST be made at a fairly low level to prevent damage to the speakers.
A sine wave sweep can help find:
Vibrations due to loose screws.
Air-leak noises: check that no screws are missing, particularly where the accessories attach
to the cabinet.
Vibrations due to front grille badly positioned on the quick release fixings.
Foreign object that has fallen into the cabinet after repair or through the ports.
Internal connection wires or absorbing material touching the loudspeaker diaphragm.
Back Cover:
Before exposing the speaker to rain or highly humid environments,
please make sure that back cover is correctly installed and the cable
gland is firmly screwed on. Adjust the power tap before applying
the back cover.
100V Tap Selector:
Every speaker from Juno Series is equipped with a
multi-tap 100V transformer. There is a rotary selector
placed on the back panel, near the connections plug.
On this section the user can find five different switch
positions according to the pretended 100V power and
impedance needed.
The first three positions are related to 100V, the fourth
position shuts the speaker OFF - no sound will come
from the speaker - the last position is meant to be used
on low impedance operation (16 Ω).
To change the switch position a flat screwdriver is
On the Juno-6T, the available power taps are 20W, 40W and 80W.
On the Juno-8T, the available power taps are 37.5W, 75W and 150W.