LYNX Pro Audio S.L. -
Valencia, Spain -
www.lynxproaudio.com [email protected]
Who is it for?
Users of Self powered DSP incorporated Lynx Pro Audio Cabinets where the user has requested the cabinets
be supplied with the Ethernet Module kit.
What is it for?
Obtain detailed information of cabinet behaviour and monitor the cabinet/s in real time. You can change the
preset, gain, mute, polarity and phase. You can also activate the air absorption compensation and select the
«SOLO» mode.
How does it work?
Via Ethernet (cable or wireless). Once installed, the O.C.S. software automatically detects all the cabinets
connected to the network and displays them in the O.C.S. window on the users PC.
What does it show?
As well as displaying the cabinet model and IP address the O.C.S will be monitoring in real time and the user will be
able to view RMS levels, Input clip, power module temperature, compression levels, air absorption compensation
and cabinet angulation.