Lyngdorf MP-40 – External Control Manual
It is possible to find out the currently selected source’s video and audio input and current
video and audio format in main zone.
Command !VIDIN?<CR> is used to find out the used video input of the currently selected
source. The response for this command is !VIDIN(X)<CR>, where X is the current video.
See table of video inputs for the translation of the number to actual video input. This
response is sent automatically whenever input selection changes if feedback level is 1 or
Command !AUDIN?<CR> is used to find out the used audio input of the currently selected
source. The response for this command is !AUDIN(X)<CR>, where X is the current audio
input. See table of audio inputs for the translation of the number to actual audio input. This
response is sent automatically whenever input selection changes if feedback level is 1 or
Command !VIDTYPE?<CR> is used to find out the current video input format. The response
for this command is !VIDTYPE(Typestring)<CR>, where Typestring is a string describing the
current video format. This response is sent automatically whenever input signal changes if
feedback level is 1 or higher.
Command !AUDTYPE?<CR> is used to get information about the current audio signal type.
The response for that command is !AUDTYPE(Typestring)<CR>, where Typestring is a
string describing the current input audio type. This response is sent automatically whenever
input signal changes if feedback level is 1 or higher.
Getting Zone 2 Audio Status
It is possible to request the currently selected zone source’s audio input in zone 2.
Command !ZAUDIN?<CR> is used to find out the used audio input of the currently selected
zone source. The response for this command is !ZAUDIN(X)<CR>, where X is the current
zone 2 audio input. See table of audio inputs for the translation of the number to actual audio
input. This response is sent automatically whenever input selection changes if feedback
level is 1 or higher.
Controlling Feedback Level
It is possible to set the feedback level from the external control interface with command
!VERB(X)<CR>, where X is the wanted feedback level 0, 1 or 2.