FlarmView Version 2.38
July 2017
Page 14 of 25
The display menu controls colour scheme and what is displayed on the screen as well as
button behaviour.
For better readability, the background can be set to Black or White
If you want to have the buttons on left side the complete screen can be rotated.
If “always hidden” is checked then the button labels are not displayed on main screens.
Warnings can be enabled for three different levels (low, important and urgent), separately
A/C (undirected warnings can be enabled), also a distance of A/C warning, where will be
displayed flarm watch. If Alert on A/C mode is disabled, A/C mode distance is not applicable.
Please keep in mind, that bad A/C receiver or false A/C information can be
distracting on FlarmView. To avoid such situation, you can, at any time, uncheck
alerts on A/C mode.
The warnings are classified into three levels (See Flarm manual for details on