LX Navigation d.o.o LX Mini Map V 1.4 May 29
Using of ConnectMe
is free ware program which makes possible to download data stored in the flight recorder which is
connected to the Mini Map. Uploading of declaration and TP data base is also possible.
The program is factory preloaded and should be started from
LX Mini Map desk top
function of navigation program to access desk top. SeeYou Moile 4.01 makes possible to start Connect me
from Menu page.
After click on ConnectMe icon the program will start.
To establish communication following settings should be adapted as minimum:
-device selection
-COM 2
-Baud rate selection (this should meet flight recorder type) or auto
In some configurations is exceptionally used com 1, so select com 1 having such a configuration. Com port
designation you find on the label of the wiring.
The destination to SD card is factory set, so all downloads will be stored to the SD card.