Run PTO drive at 540 RPM. Drive at approximately 1 to 2 MPH forward speed.
NOTE: When first beginning to use the machine in an existing bedded pack which is 15+ inches deep, till at
a depth of 10 inches on the first pass. On the second pass, till 16 inches deep. This is done in order to not
overload the driveline system.
Avoid making turns greater than 20 degrees left or right with the machine lowered into the bedded pack.
After the bedded pack is at least 20 inches deep, the depth guides on the left and right side of the machine
can be removed to avoid excess wear of the depth guides. The depth guides are intended to prevent the
tiller tines from digging into the dirt base of the bedded pack.
NOTE: Tiller tines are not designed or intended to be digging into dirt or onto concrete surfaces. Rocks,
logs, or any other objects in the bedded pack