Armony Plus
Installation Manual
rev.03 15-10-13
4 ▪ Manual aWnInG
armony Plus
awning can be both wall and
ceiling mounted. If the supply includes optionals,
Chapter 6 “Optionals” first.
Guarantee a minimum space of 500 mm
between the open awning and any fixed
obstacle. The awning must be installed
at a minimum height of 2500 mm; if this
should not prove possible, an acoustic
alarm must be installed for automatic
InforMaTIon and PrecauTIons
use the most suitable plugs for the type
of wall the awning is being installed on.
InforMaTIon and PrecauTIons
for ceIlInG MounTInG, do noT fIX
rods on PerforaTed blocKs;
there is a risk the awning will fall with a
consequent danger of serious injury to
people and damage to the product.
InforMaTIon and PrecauTIons
The procedure described below refers
to the model of awning with TWo
extensible arms. The operator must take
the necessary measures for the assembly
of models with more than two arms (see
tables in chapter 3.2).
fixing rods to wall
Before beginning installation, please take note of the
following information which are essential for finding
the correct position for fixing the rods:
▫ awning measurements (cassette width and height,
projection of awning, closed and open);
▫ support rod measurements (See Chapter 3.6);
▫ number of arm supports;
▫ side of awning on which controls are present;
▫ wall/ceiling measurements on which awning must
be installed.
InforMaTIon and PrecauTIons
for positioning the holes for all types of
brackets: measure the width of the awning
and, referring to the information provided
in the diagram in chapter 3.2 "plug load
for awning fixing, depending on type of
attachment tables", calculate the position
of the bracket holes.
Insert the plugs in the centre of the wall
bracket lower holes, to aid attachment
during mounting.
1 ▫
FIG. 6
unhook the brackets from the cassette by unscrewing
the screws (C) and removing the bracket block.
4.1.1▪ Wall mounting brackets
FIG. 7
2▫ using a spirit level and string, mark the position of
where to make the holes on the wall (see Chapter
3.2 "awning size/number of arms supports,
brackets and conveyers tables" and template page
InforMaTIon and PrecauTIons
To help installation, print page 19 on a4
paper and use them as templates to find
the best position for the holes.
To aVoId rouGh errors, MaKe
sure The PrInTouT Is In a 1:1 scale,
checKInG The MeasureMenT shoWn
on The PaPer WITh a 0 calIbre ruler,
relaTInG To The MeasureMenTs
shoWn on PaGe 16.