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Understanding Light Therapy
During LED light therapy treatment, chro-
mophores within our cellular mitochon-
dria absorb red and infrared light photons
and convert them into energy. You could
compare this process to photosynthesis,
where plants absorb sunlight and convert
it into complex molecules. In LED light ther-
apy, we absorb the energy of the red light
photons to enhance our cellular potential,
promote oxygen utilization within the cell,
and generate ATP, or cellular fuel.
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of cells,
responsible for making adenosine
triphosphate (ATP), the cell’s form of
energy, and enhancing the consumption
of oxygen. Improving the performance of
mitochondria in the body improves the
body’s overall performance and health.
There’s nothing mystical about it.
The process by which red light trans-
forms bodily tissue at a cellular level has
been scientifically proven.
Once this red light energy has been
absorbed by the body, it is then used by
the cells to build new proteins such as
collagen and elastin and to assist with
cellular regeneration. Red light gives
cells a helping hand, ensuring mito-
chondria reach their potential by
providing them with a full tank of fuel
resulting in optimal performance in the
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