Air heater unit ATD (A, G)
About Luvata
Luvata is a world-leader in metal fabrication, component manufacturing and related
engineering and design services. We are committed to partnering with our customers
to help them increase their competitiveness. Our products and services enable our
customers to improve operational efficiency, improve products and reduce tied-up
capital. This focus on our customers’ results, backed by our unfailing reliability, makes
us a partner on which our customers base their future development.
General description
The air heater unit consists of a fan, motor and heat
exchanger and it is used to heat air with water (ATDA) or
steam (ATDG). The water circulates in the air heater unit’s
heat exchanger and heats the air with the help of the fan.
The air heater unit can be fitted with various accessories
to control the supply of heat. Its low external height
ensures that it can be installed in premises with varying
roof heights.
We reserve the right to alter specifications
User’s Guide
Translated from the original Swedish version