Mount the device
heat sink as discussed in section 4.1.
1. Make sure the power supply is OFF and the power switch (ON/ OFF switch in Figure 8) on the driver board is OFF.
2. Connect the driver board to the heat sink module on which the device is mounted. (J6 or J7)
3. Connect the power supply to the driver board.
4. Turn the Current Control Knob on the driver board all the way counter clockwise to set current to zero.
5. For pulsed operation, connect J3 to a signal generator for PWM operation.
6. For the power supply, set the output voltage to 12 V or 24 V, as specified for the driver board.
7. Turn the power switch on the Power supply board to “ON”. The device may turn on at this point.
8. Check to make sure that the two fans, one on the driver board and one on the heat sink module, are running.
9. Using a digital voltmeter (DVM) check that the supply voltage on the driver board is correct using test point “J4”,
labeled “LED_VOUT” and "GND", at the right side of the board. If this voltage is zero check connections.
10. In DC voltage mode, connect DVM to “GND” and “IL_SCALED” test points to monitor current through the device.
The output is [Current of device(A) = 0.88 + Vout x 20.7] Current Accuracy ± 5%
If utilizing PWM, use "GND" and "I_LED_SCALED" test points to monitor current through the device.
Monitoring this output ensures that the LED is always driven within its limits.
11. Connect thermistor input to J5. Wiring is interchangeable (no polarity). The driver will be limited to 1-2 A if no
connection is detected. The driver has a 90 °C max LED temperature. If thermistor readings are over 90 °C,
the driver will reduce current input to the LED to prevent the device from overheating.
12. Turn the knob on the driver board clockwise while monitoring the current.
This will increase the current flow through the device.
Voltages are listed in Table 2.
Luminus Devices, Inc.
408.708.7000 • www.luminus.com
1145 Sonora Ct. • Sunnyvale, CA 94086
The device switching
time responses to Vout
and Current are listed in Table 3.
PDM-001292 Rev 01 © 2021 Luminus Devices, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
Table 2: LED Output Current Setting
Table 3: Vout and Current Rise & Fall Times
DK-236 series - Development Kit Manual