Congratulations and thank you for purchasing one of the most
powerful astrographic accessories on the market today – The
Easy Guider
Lumicon first patented the Off-Axis Guider in 1981 and has been
manufacturing this same device since that time. Lumicon OAG’s
have been sold world wide and is the most used off-axis guiding
system in the world. We’re pleased to add the performance
and quality, that tens of thousands of astronomers have
enjoyed, to your imaging setup. With a few short minutes of
careful setup you will be enjoying the benefits of off-axis
Benefits of Off-Axis Guiding
Guiding occurs with the same light path as the imaging
detector thereby eliminating the effects due to
differential flexure/slop of the auxiliary guide scope.
Differential flexure in guiding setups often introduces
errors far worse than the actual corrections actually
needed. Off-axis Guiding avoids this problem.
Auxillery guide scopes are blind to image shifting due to
primary mirror “flop” in telescopes with moving primary
mirrors (SCT’s). Off-axis guiding corrects for this
Guiding occurs at the same focal length as the main
imaging camera. Although CCD guiding software can
compute tracking errors to sub-pixel accuracy, many
guide scope combinations have marginal or too-short
focal lengths to be properly effective. Off-Axis Guiding
Avoids this problem.