background image

Release 1.1



Lumenera Corporation • 7 Capella Court, Ottawa, ON, Canada K2E 8A7 • (t) 1.613.736.4077 • (f) 1.613.736.4071 • • [email protected] 

©2012 Lumenera Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Design, features, and specifications are subject to change without notice 





Image Orientation


Use the option “Rotate Image 180 degrees” on the configure menu to control the orientation of the camera output 
image. It takes 15 to 20 seconds to update the on-camera settings when this option is selected. The user interface 
buttons will be temporarily disabled, and the status bar shows the progress of the update. Once the settings are saved, 
the image orientation will be persistently stored on the camera. 


Preview the HD Video Output 


The camera’s video output stream is displayed directly on the HD monitor. 


 The monitor must support 1080p60 

format in order for the video preview to be displayed.  


Adjust the microscope lamp to a bright setting. The camera automatically adjusts the image brightness as the objectives 
are switched on the microscope, or as the sample is changed. The best image quality is achieved when plenty of light is 
reaching the sensor. The INFINITY


 CAPTURE application provides a target brightness setting to allow the camera’s 

default brightness level to be manipulated. Moving the 


 slider to the right will cause the camera to produce a 

brighter image and moving it to the left will darken the image. Return the slider position to the center to restore the 
default brightness target value.  


Performing a White Balance 


This is one of the most important steps to be performed when the camera is setup on the microscope. It must also be 
repeated if the illumination conditions are altered. The camera’s red, green, and blue pixels respond to the color 
temperature of the light source. If the intensity of the lamp is altered, or if optical filters are placed in the light path, then 
the camera’s perception of the light is altered and the display of colors will change. The most recent white balance 
setting is automatically stored in the camera, even if the camera is disconnected from the power supply. This enables 
the camera to operate without the USB connection to the computer, once the White Balance operation has been 


Configuring Image Capture 




 CAPTURE application will expand when the 


button is selected. Use the options present on 

the dialog extension to specify the prefix for the captured image filename, to specify the number of digits, and a numeric 
start value for the filenames applied to each captured image. Images will be stored in the specified folder and will be 
sequentially numbered based on the values entered. The folder location for the captured files can be either entered 
directly in the Target directory field, or click the Browse button to display a standard Windows directory selection panel. 


 It is normal for image capture to take a few moments as the camera’s HD format output image must be prepared 

for delivery over the USB 2.0 interface to the computer.  

