P30P-09A 81 User's manual
be used for the file transfer, so the maximum number of a FTP client connections should be set to "1". FTP user selection
The transducer has two FTP server user accounts protected by individual passwords:
user: „
”, password: "
” - access to read and write the files
user: „
”, password: "
” - access to read only the archive files.
The FTP user names can not be changed but you can change the password for each user -
for safety reasons it is recommended to change the passwords. Changing the password is possible only
through a web page in the "Ethernet" parameter group. The passwords can be up to 8 characters. If the
password is lost (what disables using the FTP server), restore the default settings of the Ethernet
interface e.g. from the menu:
Ethernet EthStdPa
, or by entering the value "1" to the
register 4080. All standard Ethernet interface parameters (see Tab. 17) and the passwords of the FTP
server users will be restored:
user „
” → password: „
user "
” → password "
Internet browser can be used as a rudimentary FTP client. By entering the IP address of
transducer with the “ftp” header into the address field, e.g.:
and download archive files from the Internet browser directly.
Fig. 26 View of the FTP session in browser window
5.10.4 Modbus TCP/IP
P30P transducers allow access to the internal registers via the Ethernet interface and Modbus
TCP/IP Slave protocol. Modbus protocol functions and register structure are described in section 5.9.3 -
5.9.6. It is necessary to set the unique IP address of the transducer and the connection parameters listed
in Tab.45 to set up a connection