Fig. 25. Directories structure in the memory.
Apart from the ARCH directory, in which the archived data is placed, SYSTEM
directory is also created on the card where the following files are located:
- start.txt - date and time of the file system internal memory installation (when the monitor
is restarted after power failure)
- manual.pdf - current user’s manual
- enarch.gif – graphic file with info about alarms / archiving configuration
If these files are deleted, some elements of the website - hints, instructions, may
not be displayed; these files can be removed after logging in FTP server to administrator
Data in the memory is stored in files located in the directories with names
corresponding to the device name and the serial number - see
Fig. 25
. Whereas the
names of the files correspond to the date of recording and they have the following format
, where
→ year , YY → month. The format of the archive file
extension is Dzz, where "zz" is the subsequent number of the archive file from a given
month. For example, the first file in the archive in the month of May 2016 will be
2016_05.D00, the next file: 2016_05.D00 etc. Max. 32 files can be created for a given
month (*.D00 … *.D31). The file is changed automatically when the file size reaches
29 MB.
5.8.4. Structure of archive files
Files containing archived data in the internal memory of the file system are
structured as columns, where successive columns of data are separated from each other
by a tab character. The first line of the file contains the columns header. Data records are
sequentially arranged in rows and the fields of the record are separated from each other
by a tab character.
View a sample archive file with archiving further 12 displayed values of
the user is shown in
Fig 26.