VENTUS 2.0 Manual / Updated 2013/2/15
/ Operational Manual
Once made 240,240 higher the out bit rate, When the data capacity reduced replace in QPSK BPSK can not fill yet still
receive the red line.
LDPC is error-correction techniques in the CMMB Method. B etween each frams, any values can be set, but 0 in the
CLCH MF_ID is transmite 1 / 2. LDPC has two parameters(1/2. 3/4).
In conceptual theory, the 1/2 is add up 1 bite of parity input per 1 bite of input, totally make 2 bite of output.
And every per 2 bit of output transports 1 bit of information, and final, become 1/2 bit rate. And 3/4 is add up 1 bite of
parity per 3 bit of input, totally make 4 bit of output, and every per 4 bit of output transports 3 bit of information, and
final, become 3/4 bit rate.