Warranty and Support
Your machine comes with a comprehensive one-year warranty and customer support. For more information
please visit us at
Source Files
This product is licensed as Open Source Hardware and runs with Free Software because we respect your freedom
to see how it works, make modifications, and share your modifications with others. Find the source files online at
, and see what’s next by following our research and development online at
Filament Materials
Your LulzBot Mini utilizes an open format filament system. We strongly recommend you purchase your 3D
printing filament materials from
, where every filament has been thoroughly tested to work on your
printer and comes with optimized default settings for easier printing.
If you choose to purchase elsewhere, avoid low quality filaments that can lead to failed prints and even damage
your LulzBot Mini. Low quality filament can contain foreign objects, unlisted material blends, voids and density
variations, and varying filament diameter. Purchasing consistent and reliable filament is key, and well worth it to
protect your investment in a LulzBot.
Nozzle Wiping Pad
Over time your
nozzle wiping pad
will need to be replaced. If in observing the nozzle wiping sequence the
cleaning appears to be less effective, and is leaving more filament residue on the nozzle, be proactive in replacing
the nozzle wiping pad. This process is vital to the continued functioning of your LulzBot Mini. A clean metal
surface on the nozzle is critical for the automated bed leveling process to be successful.
Maintaining Your LulzBot Mini Desktop 3D Printer