The torques specifications required can be taken from the spare parts list of your
particular unit.
Don’t forget to apply LUKAS special grease to all sliding surfaces.
3. Remove lock screw with an Allen key (2 mm / 0.08 in.).
4. Unscrew nut of pivot bolt ( wrench size 30) and remove bolt.
5. Remove retaining rings on both blade arm bolts and remove them.
6. Remove blade arms and replace with new ones.
7. Reassembly is carried out in reverse order.
Blade arm bolt
Blade arm
Retaining ring
Pivot bolt
Lock screw
Lock nut
10.3.4 Decals
All damaged and/or illegible decals (safety notices, type plate etc.) must be replaced.
1. Remove damaged and/or illegible decals.
2. Clean surfaces with industrial alcohol.
3. Affix new decals.
Take care to affix the labels in the correct positions. If this is no longer known, you should ask
your authorized LUKAS dealer or contact LUKAS directly.