Operating Manual CHM 8k
R1.7 / 01-2020
Commissioning and Decommissioning
Response (shortened)
Output of extended data
see 8.3.4
Sets the RS485Number
from 16 to 14
set 16:RNO=14
Sets baud rate to 19,200
set 16:Baud=4
Sets logging time interval to
15 s
set 16:dt(s)=15
get<SPACE>16:Lifetime(h)<CR><LF> Readout of the laser
operating hour counter
get 16:Lifetime(h)
Table 3 Commands for functional testing (examples).
After completing the simple functional test on the CHM 8k:
Continue to operate in polling mode, or
Reset to automatic transmission mode
Comment: This command leads back to the automatic transmission mode of the standard telegram 1.
Baud rate with raw data transmission
The baud rate settings must be observed, especially in RS485 bus mode. If raw data
transmission is required, each telegram can be 12 kB in size. To reduce the
transmission time between two 15 s telegrams the baud rate must be set to at least
19,200 baud.
7.2 Starting up with the LAN connection
In addition, or as an alternative to the RS485 connection, a LAN connection (Ethernet) can also be used.
Requirement: A connected LAN cable (see 6.2 Electrical installation) or LAN over DSL connection with
a DSL transmitter and receiver modem in between.
: 3 separate IP addresses are available for simultaneous communication:
1. A preconfigured fixed service address to the device
➔, subnet
2. DHCP server assignment (requires a DHCP server)
3. User a gateway,
see section 8.7 Communication via Ethernet web interface for the configuration with a LAN
/ WAN connection to the device and 8.2, if these values are configured with the RS485
The service address (1) cannot be changed by the user. It is always available and can be used as a direct
connection between a laptop and the
CHM 8k.
One of the 3 IP addresses can be entered into a web browser (see Figure 14) for communication with
the device. Figure 18 shows the "Config Network" tab in the Internet browser Firefox. Changing the user
IP address (3) requires superuser authorization in the device tab.
The superuser password is:
The superuser password can be changed if necessary, see Figure 21.
The web interface was tested with the following web browsers:
Internet Explorer 8 or later
Firefox 3.6 or later