Operating Manual CHM 8k
R1.7 / 01-2020
Commissioning and Decommissioning
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
In the DHCP network environment (2), the
CHM 8k is configured automatically. The DHCP mode can be
switched off.
Figure 14 Firefox browser for a
connection with the CHM 8k (shown here with fixed IP address).
It is possible to use the RS485 connection and query the DHCP IP address by entering:
If available, the device transmits the DHCP address that can be used in a second step in a web browser
to connect to the system via a LAN connection.
The user IP address can be set or queried by the user via RS485, too, using the parameter IPS instead
of IPD, e.g.:
For further support regarding communication please contact G. Lufft GmbH.
7.3 Shutdown
Advanced users should carefully disconnect the device from the power supply with these steps:
Users with superuser authorization should use the web interface: Log in as a superuser and press
"SHUTDOWN SYSTEM" on the device tab
RS485 users can enter the following command:
In both cases the Linux-based system is turned off and measurement data are stored on the local
SD card.
After the soft shut down the main power can be disconnected without the risk of data loss.
To uninstall the
CHM 8k and reinstall it at a different location, carry out the steps described in
sections 6.1.2 Installing on the foundation and 6.2 Electrical installation in reverse order.
7.4 Disposal
Disposal Notice
Disposal of the CHM 8k Cloud Height Meter must be in accordance with national
regulations. Electrical equipment marked with this symbol may not be disposed of in
European domestic or public disposal systems. Return old or end-of-life equipment to
the manufacturer for disposal at no charge to the user.