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Frequently asked questions
Vanliga frågor och svar
Is it possible to tune the receiver to increase the range?
The output power of LUDA Elektronik’s cameras is within the standards
that are regulated by the EU. Due to this we can not offer cameras with
a longer range than 100 meters since this is not allowed.
What kind of appliances can give disturbances in the picture?
Certain home appliances can cause disturbances in the audio and
video. Microwaves (in use), wireless networks (WLAN), electric car
ports and wireless alarm systems can decrease the quality of the audio
and video. Wireless networks have an adjustable channel that can be
changed to avoid disturbances in the camera signal. The frequency of
the camera can also be changed to avoid disturbances.
How does your camera work together with wireless networks?
Wireless networks (WLAN) are placed on a slightly higher frequency
than our cameras. Although, WLAN can cause disturbances in the
sense that horizontal lines can appear across the picture. This can be
solved by changing the transmitting channel of the WLAN.
What temperature does the camera tolerate?
The camera works best between -10 to +50 degrees Celsius. At lower
temperatures the quality of the picture worsens gradually. Although,
when the temperature falls back to -10 degrees the original picture
quality is restored. The camera will not break at temperatures lower
than -10 degrees celsius.
Can the camera be exposed to rain?
The camera should not be exposed to water in any way.
Frequently asked questions