I. Introduction
You have just purchased the Luminette® Drive. We would like to
congratulate you on your purchase and welcome you to the world of on-
the-go light therapy!
Before turning on and using your Luminette® Drive, please
carefully read this manual and be sure to keep it in a safe place, also certain
that you take enough time to get to know your device using Figure 1.
A. The role of light
By means of the light/dark cycle, the human brain synchronizes functions
such as mood, appetite, digestion, sleep, libido, etc. These circadian
rhythms, which oscillate over 24 hours, constitute our biological clock.
Melatonin is what is commonly referred to as the "sleep hormone".
The brain secretes it at nightfall, which then induces sleep. Conversely,
at daybreak, in the presence of light, the brain stops the secretion of
melatonin, enabling us to get up easily, and full of energy.
In addition to its regulating effect on our biological clock, light
significantly affects mood, alertness, and physical and intellectual
performance, by improving them.
B. Light therapy
In some situations, the biological clock is no longer in sync with external
environments. The circadian rhythms are, therefore, "desynchronized".
This is particularly the case in winter when there is an insufficient amount